Monday, July 14, 2008

Essential OS X Widgets

This list will be short because I really don't find most widgets to be all that useful. These aren't necessarily "essential," just ones I use.

iCalEvents - This looks at your iCal events and displays upcoming ones. While I use my MenuCalendarClock more, it's handy to have when I'm in dashboard.

Weather Underground Widget - Shows you the weather forecast. While I still don't trust meteorologists... (where are the meteors?!?!? They must be hiding them.) I find I trust these guys a little more than the average meteorologist. Handy to see upcoming weather.

Aviation Weather Widget - Using this primarily to learn how to read METAR data.

The Analog Clock Widget - Just because.

Homer Quotes - A little humor.

Stickies - Keep little notes. I primarily use the for most things but I have a few things on my dashboard sticky.

iStatPro - Cool widget to display various system info.

I have others installed but never really use them. I feel that once I get an iPhone, most of these will fall into serious disuse.

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